Day 9 of the PAF Fund Drive! Congratulations to Mike Fidler (Minatre Six + 4) and Dustin Dyer (Duane’s Crew) on securing new cash donations!

Everyone should have received the team report today. Let me know if you have any questions!

A couple of reminders:

  1. Anyone who turns in a new cash donation ($250+) by tomorrow at 5PM will receive 100 bonus points per donation. Please note, you do not have to turn in the cash by tomorrow, I just need the commitment. Send me the name and donation amount via email then turn in the cash at the Report Session on Tuesday.
  2. The Fund Drive Worker who turns in the most new cash by Tuesday’s Report Session (Tuesday, May 3 – Tuesday, 10) will receive 500 bonus points!
  3. The Report Session will be on Tuesday of next week, not the regular Monday, at the same time and same location

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