PAF Fund Drive Blog- Day 12
Day 12 of the Fund Drive has arrived and we are continuing to push forward in reaching our goal of $50K in new cash. We have recently made some huge strides in renewals and appreciate your efforts in focusing on building strong relationships with those donors who have been members over time.
As mentioned in the meeting this week, one of the noticeable differences in our progress this year in comparison to 2016 is in the number of upgrades and new business we attracted at the same time last year. In 2016, we had 38 new PAF cash member and 31 renewals who upgrades their PAF Membership. Currently, we have 12 new PAF cash members and only 11 renewals who have upgraded resulting in the difference in Fund Drive revenue.
We will be sending out a renewal letter and form again this week reminding our PAF Members to renew before June 1st with a recommendation to upgrade last year’s donation level by 10%. We anticipate this will assist our campaign in closing the gap and will need your continued support in encouraging your renewals to upgrade rather than just renewing at the same level.
Tip of the Day: One of the most effective ways to generate additional revenue in fundraising is through upgrades or up-selling. Each one of you have experienced this at one time or another and have allotted additional budgets accepting the request to add-on or upgrade depending on the timing of the request. If you have ever been to the movies or at dinner, you have probably experienced this first hand in the waiter or cashier’s request to “make that a large for only $.50” or request to “enjoy some dessert options” before making your final purchase.
Here are some helpful tactics to consider when seeking to upgrade any of your renewals:
- BE PREPARED in sharing the reason you are requesting donors to consider upgrades
- Have an understanding and review the options available for an individual member vs. a business member
- Share examples of the Impact Fund
- Share the opportunity to join the 110% Club
- GOOD TIMING should be considered when requesting donors to upgrade
- Ask questions to find out about additional budgets or friends who would like to join them that may provide more insight on the opportunity request an upgrade for this year
- Offer them the opportunity to consider increasing their donation by 10% as you are wrapping up the conversation
- DEMONSTRATE VALUE on why it would be beneficial to upgrade this year.
- Share additional benefits at different PAF Membership levels
- Share projects that are being completed through their donations
- Share information on the Fund Drive
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